In this episode, I’m continuing my conversation about Yearbook Indiana with Polina Osherov of Pattern, Morgan Allen of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, and Julie Heath, formerly of IEDC.

We’re jumping right back in from the break, so if you haven’t listened to part one, go do that! 

In part two, we’re digging into the nitty-gritty of getting the yearbook into the right hands, how they made the budget work for the project and the state’s strategic goals, and getting community buy-in.

Click here to listen to this episode on your favorite podcast player!

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How thoughtful graphic design choices made it easy for founders to participate in sharing the yearbook on social
  • How the team distributed over 3000 copies of the yearbook in just four months
  • Calculating the ROI on getting entrepreneurship stories out into the world
  • The impact of positive storytelling for ecosystem builders

Learn More About Polina Osherov:

Learn More About Morgan Allen:

Learn More About Julie Heath:

Learn More About Anika Horn:
